Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF format.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
- The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
- Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
- The text is single-spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
Author Guidelines
Call for papers
Works are received from any orientation within the psychoanalytic framework. The call for papers for the Revista Universitaria de Psicoanálisis will be from May 4 to 29 of each year.
Editorial Guidelines for Authors
All the manuscripts received have three stages. First, the articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board, the Director and/or Editors and only those articles that meet the scientific and editorial standards of the Journal and its objectives and focus go on to the next stage: submission to External Reviewers. The journal Psicoanálisis en la Universidad, uses for the Evaluation of each article the blind arbitration protocol, in which the authors do not know who evaluated them and the referees do not know who they are evaluating.
Each article will be evaluated by at least two experts on the subject located in National, Latin American or European Universities who will determine: a) to accept and publish, b) to review, rework and accept, c) to reject.
In case of discrepancies between the opinions, the text will be sent to a third arbitrator, whose opinion will define its publication or not. The results of the evaluation process of the academic opinions will be unappealable in all cases.In case of discrepancies the text will be sent to a third arbitrator, whose decision will be its publication or not. The results of the evaluation will be final for everybody.
All articles submitted should include:
- Title in English and in Spanish;
- A summary or abstract in Spanish and English (maximum 200 words);
- Five key words or descriptors in English and Spanish;
- Information of the author: nationality; email; institutional affiliation
- Text (including tables, figures or graphics);
- References;
- Appendix (if available)
The texts should be sent to the following email:
2.1.Send two digital copies of the articles:
- A copy with the above mentioned requirements, but of anonymous character in pdf format.
- Another copy in Word with the above-mentioned requirements, which must also be accompanied by the following personal data of the author/res:
- Full name
. Areas of research or interest
. Provenance-Current Institutional Affiliation
. Mailing address .
. Telephones
. Date
2-2- Send a signed copy of the letter of originality and transfer of rights, which can be requested by mail to the editorial board of the magazine so that, after printing and signing it, it can be scanned and sent again with the work.
- Title: Do not exceed 65 characters (spaces included)
- Subtitle: In case the title do NOT exceed 30 characters, you can add a caption which should not exceed 60 characters (spaces included).
- Text: Do not exceed 10.000 words including bibliographical notes (to count words in a Word document, you must go to “tools” and Click on “Word Count”…). The length of 10.000 words scorresponds to 15 printed pages.
- - Font type: Times New Roman Font size: 12
- - Line spacing: simple, for all text with the sole exception of footnotes
- - Margins: 2.54 cm on all sides of the sheet
- - Indentation: marked with the keyboard tab or 5 spaces.
- - Text alignment: to the left, also called broken or flag. Title: Alignment: centered, bold, upper and lower case
- - Main Subtitle: left alignment in bold with upper and lower case
- - Internal subtitles: with indentation, bold, uppercase, lowercase and full stop.
- - Italics are used instead of underlines (except for URLs).
Psychoanalysis in the University uses the format of the American Psychological Association (APA 6ª, Ed). The entire document will follow the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA), which establish the international standards for the publication of scientific production. The following are some key considerations to be taken into account when constructing the document.
(Note: For references to classical authors of a discipline - such as Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan - we suggest that the original year of publication or date of delivery be included in brackets in the case of conferences or seminars. The addition of this information is not mandatory and is at the discretion of each author, what is formally required is only the year of publication of the version cited).
5-1.- Textual quotations
The author, year and page number should be indicated. If the source cited has no pagination, then the paragraph number should be written. If the quotation has less than 40 words, it is placed as part of the body of the text, between quotes and at the end between parentheses the data of the reference is indicated.
"If Freud insisted so much on the Oedipus complex that it came to constitute a sociology of totems and taboos, it is clearly because the Law is there ab origine." (Lacan, [1955] 1981, p.121)..
If the quotation is more than 40 words long, it should be written in a separate paragraph, without quotes, aligned on the left and with a margin of 2.54 cm or 5 tab spaces. All quotations should be double-spaced.
Lacan ([1953/1954] 1981) in his Seminar 1 states the following:
In the dream, at the moment in which this one assumes certain orientation, phenomena occur that are of linguistic order particularly. The subject in all conscience commits an error of language. The subject in the dream knows that it is an error of language because a character appears there to correct him (p.79)
We always maintain the subject's intrinsic relationship with language because:
In sleep, the moment it assumes a certain orientation, phenomena occur that are particularly linguistic. The subject in all conscience commits an error of language. The subject in the dream knows that it is a language error because a character appears there to correct him. (Lacan, [1953/1954] 1981, p.79)
5.2.- Indirect quotes and paraphrases
In some cases, a textual quotation is not made, that is to say, as it was originally written by the author whose ideas we are recognizing, but rather its central ideas or arguments are collected but without using the author's words. Here the rules of textual citation are followed, with the exception of the use of quotes and quotations in a separate paragraph. Example:
- This is, in my opinion, a path, not obligatory, but perhaps inevitable for those who say and authorize themselves to be analysts. Paraphrasing Lacan, to unite to his horizon the subjectivity of the time. (Lacan, [1953] 1971, p.309)
- In my opinion, this is a path that is not obligatory, but perhaps inevitable for those who say they are authorized analysts and who try to unite the subjectivity of the time with their horizon. (Lacan, [1953] 1971, p.309)
The only cases where the page number can be deliberately omitted are in paraphrases, and this is when several ideas expressed throughout a work are being summarized and not a particular idea that can be easily located in the cited source.
5.3.- Several works or authors: Example
Two authors
Haimovich and Kreszes (2011) states . . . or (Haimovich and Kreszes, 2011, p.)
Three to five authors: when first cited, all surnames are named, then only the first one and then et al:
As stated by many authors (Soler, 2011; Laurent, 2002; Miller, 2003) shame is an affection that is in line with guilt. (Soler et al, 2011)
6 - Bibliography
The bibliography includes all the sources and references cited or used in the text, which serve to deepen the subject and will be included at the end of the work, ordering it alphabetically by author.
- Book by one or several authors:
- Surname of the author followed by the initial of the name; if there are two co-authors, both must be mentioned; if there are more than two, the first one must be indicated followed by the expression "and others".
- Year of first publication in parentheses;
- Title of the book in italics
- City, Country: Editorial
- Freud, S. [1893] (1986) First psychoanalytic publications. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu Editores.
- Haimovich, E., Kreszes, D. (2011), Fantasy. Metapsychology and Clinic, Rosario, Argentina: Horno Sapiens Ediciones.
- Escars, C. and others, (2015) Declinations of the Father. Psychoanalytical readings of the time, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Letra Viva.
6.2 Articles or Chapters of books
Only in the cases of compilation books and anthologies where each chapter has a different author and a different compiler or editor: Surname, A A, and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A A Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher.
Fernandez Pineda, D, (2015). Two figures of the father in Freud. In Escars, C,Father's Declinations (pp, 85-90). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Letra viva.
One and the same author:
- Author's last name followed by the initials of the first name;
- Year of first publication in parentheses;
- Title of the chapter or entry in quotation marks;
- Title of the book in italics.
- City, Country: Publisher
- Volume and start and end pages. Example:
Freud, S. [1909] (1986). "A propósito de un caso de neurosis obsesiva", Obras Completas, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu Editores, volume (10), pp 119-194.
6.3 Articles from printed periodicals:
- - Surname of the author followed by the initials of the name
- - Date
- - Title of the article.
- - Journal name in italics (for recognized journals use the usual abbreviations); Volume (number), pp-pp. Example:
- Lutereau, L. (2013), Female homosexuality as a clinical form of hysteria. Revista Universitaria de Psicoanálisis, volume (1), 91-103.
- Indart, J.C. (2016) On the question of the father. Lacanian Journal of Psychoanalysis, volume (21), 114-117.
6.4 Articles from online periodicals:
- - Surname of the author followed by the initials of the name.
- - Year of publication.
- - Title of the article.
- - Name of the journal in italics
- - volume (number), pp-pp.
- - Recovered from http :/ /www
- Reference to web pages:
- Last name followed by the initials of the first name.
- Date in brackets.
- Title of the page in italics.
- Publishing house.
- Retrieved from http ://www .
7 - Explanatory notes
The notes should be included at the end of the text, as a common text (very important: DO NOT use the insert notes command in Word, as it presents them as links).
- Extension call format (reference number)
o Arabic numerals (not Roman) Source: Times new Roman of 7
o Location: superscript (to change the number to "superscript" you must first select the number, then enter the "format" tab, click on "font", and finally click on the "superscript" option in the "effects" list)
o Style: normal
o Extended call format
o . Reference number: followed by a dot. Source: Times New Roman 8. Style: bold.
8 - Tables, graphs and images
- All illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
- In addition, they can be presented as an Excel (.xls) file in two copies, including the reference of their location in the Word text. They must be designed in grayscale.
- The images can be added in EPS (.es) or Tiff (.tif) format and in grayscale, including the reference of their location in the text.
For any other questions on how to cite the bibliography or how to format the text, you can go to the official APA standards page. For all other inquiries, please write to: .
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The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.
Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.