The trace in Freud: temporal latency of conceptse
latencia temporal de los conceptos
Unconscious, experience , trace , latency, temporalityAbstract
The following article was presented in 2019, in the panel: “What is the Unconscious”, in the Conference “Undocile bodies: clinic and politics of the Unconscious”, organized by the student´s association La Masotta. According to the proposal of the panel, is displayed an itinerary following the notion of trace in Freud, underlining the temporal feature that lives on the construction of metapsychological concepts. The clipping in this way is due to comment some reference texts on the First Topography, in the course of Psychoanalysis 1, seeking to articulate the psicoanalysis transmission problems, with knowledge’s relationship and the Unconscious. Three texts separated in Freud’s work, which present in the plot of theorization, coordinates that articulate the impasses that clinic´s otherness imposes. The provisional nature of the metapsychological elaborations, gives to the concepts a latency tied to the experience of the Unconscious. From this perspective, we conjecturate that the reading of Freud’s texts can be an experience, if the temporality that modulates the Freudian argumentative threads, play in teaching
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