On angst, love and mourning

Notes for its approach based on the functions of the object a and castration


  • Luciano Serrani Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Argentina




Angst, love, mourning, object, castration


This article seeks to explore the relationships between angst, love and mourning based on this operator: the object a, object of desire, which introduces a series of fundamental distinctions for both psychoanalytic theory and practice. Beginning with the formula “the desire is the desire of the other”, Lacan will seek to specify the status of this desire in psychoanalysis. The object will be seen operating in the phantasy and through this path we will approach angst, whose place in the structure they both share. Secondly, the function of desire on love will be explored, and in particular, what an expe-rience such as mourning contributes to its clarification. Finally, this article seeks to draw the consequences of the function of this object in the castration relationship, understand-ing that an essential reference is located there to clarify the place of the psychoanalyst’s desire in the transference.


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Author Biography

Luciano Serrani, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Argentina

Psicoanalista. Psicólogo y Profesor de psicología, UNR. Docente e investigador en la Cátedra Clínica II, Facultad de psicología, UNR. Autor del libro “Lecturas de la angustia” (Letra Viva, 2020). Ha trabajado en diferentes instituciones con niños y adolescentes con diversas patologías neurológicas.


Allouch, J. (2000) “La invención del objeto a”, en Me cayó el veinte nº 1. Erotofanías, páginas 9 a 27. Editorial Epeele. México. 2000.

Allouch, J. (2011). Erótica del duelo en tiempos de la muerte seca. Buenos Aires. El cuenco de plata. 2011.

Lacan, J. [1973/1974]. Seminario XXI “Les non-dupes errent” (inédito), sesión del 9 de Abril de 1974.

Lacan, [1962/963] 2004. El seminario. Libro 10: La angustia. Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2004.

Lacan [1972/1973] 1997, El seminario. Libro 20: Aún. Buenos Aires, Paidós, 1997.

Le Gaufey, G. (2011). El objeto a de Lacan. Buenos Aires, Cuenco de plata. 2011.



How to Cite

Serrani, L. (2023). On angst, love and mourning: Notes for its approach based on the functions of the object a and castration. PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, (7), 21–37. https://doi.org/10.35305/rpu.vi7.147



Dossier Variaciones de la angustia