«Entrexto» of the Real:
from Dr. Ramón Carrillo to Alain Badiou
Borromean knot, Childhood paralysis, Operations in the body, Body jouissanceAbstract
The present article is the result of the question of what is Real in the practice of Lacanian psychoanalysis in these times when the Real is disputed among the soldiers of social reality, Neuroscientists and millerian disciples. The Real depends less today on the fury of the ancient gods than on the decisions of modern corporations that produce the segregation of bodies. The intertextuality in the article is achieved through heteroclitical elements: the Freudian foundations on paralysis, Lacan’s teaching, Badiou’s text and the consecration of Dr. Ramón Carrillo as a name-of-thefather, textual reciprocity that allows the clinical reading of a vignette on a case of poliomyelitis.