The concept of flesh in the first theology and the «speaking body»


  • Sara Vassallo Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires; Argentina



Flesh, spirit, body, signifier, word


The text proposes, on the condition of contextualizing and re-reading historically the significant flesh of the Judeo-Christian tradition, that the margin “beyond life” that Lacan places between body and signifier in 1960 refers to a place analogous to that occupied by so much semantics as syntactically, the signifiers Latin expensive and Greek σαρζ, which translate the Hebrew ba-sar (flesh). By historical retroaction, and giving precedence to the letter on the sense, it would be seen that the first theological texts place this signifier in a place of “béance”, or at least of unsustainable contradiction, where nothing representable or thinkable can produce a synthesis. Interrupting the soul / body platonic dualism, the flesh of Christianity, which is neither body nor soul, disorganizes duality, opening up a ternary body / flesh / spirit system, a conceptual referent that probably feeds Lacan’s last teaching and where the «meat» responds to a Real.


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Author Biography

Sara Vassallo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires; Argentina

Licenciada en Letras, UBA y Doctora en Letras por la Universidad de Aix-Marsella. Docente UBA y UNR.

Portada Dossier cuerpo en psicoanálisis. Imagen artística Trivisi.



How to Cite

Vassallo, S. . (2020). The concept of flesh in the first theology and the «speaking body». PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, (2), 15–30.



Dossier: El cuerpo en Psicoanálisis