Textures of Repetition: Freudian Inquiries


  • Julieta Ciurlini Universidad Nacional de Rosario




Repetition, Economy, Pleasure, Variation, Textures


This paper tries to investigate the work that the Freudian notion of repetition has done through time, which will imply unfolding a journey through the series of modifi- cations and disturbances in the libidinal economy that accompany his findings regarding the problem. From the pleasure of the search for identity towards the appearance of the beyond the pleasure principle, we will attend to the theoretical consequences of these mo- vements and the categories with which it will be articulated. Lacan’s reading will fracture the relationship with that common sense of repetition that linked him to the reproduction of behavior, introducing variation as a mark. “Textures” will offer us a possible name to read certain phenomena far false dichotomies.


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Author Biography

Julieta Ciurlini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Psicóloga y Magister en Psicoanálisis,reci- bida en la UNR. Practicante del psicoaná- lisis. Docente en la cátedra Clínica 1 de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNR. Miem- bro investigadora del Centro de Estudios e Investigación “Psicoanálisis y discursos contemporáneos”.


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How to Cite

Ciurlini, J. (2024). Textures of Repetition: Freudian Inquiries. PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, 8(8), 101–111. https://doi.org/10.35305/rpu.v8i8.190