The feminine and the feminity


  • Carolina Rovere Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Psicología. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.



Feminine, Femininity, Hysteria, Non-whole, End of analysis


It is this writing that interests me to ask in which points the feminine and femininity are united and separated in psychoanalysis. I start from the developments of Freud, for whom these concepts go together, to then locate what happens in Lacan. At the beginning of his teaching and when he follows the post of his teacher, feminine and femininity go hand in hand, but in his last teaching they are disjoint terms. The feminine has to do with a place concerned by the hole, the absence of referent and the unlimited. I conclude with a testimony at the end of the analysis that shows how the finalization is for the feminine


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Author Biography

Carolina Rovere, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Psicología. Rosario; Santa Fe; Argentina.

Psicóloga , Psicoanalista. Magíster en Psicoanálisis.
Docente e investigadora de
la Facultad de Psicología de la UNR.
Miembro de la EOL (Escuela de la
Orientación Lacaniana) y de la AMP
(Asociación Mundial del Psicoanálisis).
Coordinadora del área de Psicología de
CERIN Rosario(Centro de Rehabilitación
infantil). Autora del libro Caras del goce
femenino (2011) Letra Viva y La palabra
que falta es Una mujer en co-autoría con
Sergio Zabalza (2013) Letra Viva.



How to Cite

Rovere, C. . (2020). The feminine and the feminity. PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, (3), 103–111.



Maternity, Feminism and Psychoanalysis