The Catastrophe put to the test by psychoanalysis:

subject and collective prejudice


  • Assoun Paul-Laurent Université de Paris



Catastrophe , Collective prejudice , Death, Psychoanalytical Anthropology, Subject


This writing is based on the recording of the presentation of the fourth Number of the Journal Psicoanálisis en la Universidad of the Department of Psychoanal-ysis of the Faculty of Psychology, National University of Rosario. The presentation was carried out on October 31 under virtual modality (available at https : // During this event, Professor Paul-Laurent Assoun gave the lec-ture entitled “The Catastrophe put to the test by psychoanalysis: subject and collective prejudice”, after which a space for questions was opened. In Number 4 of the Journal an interview with Professor Assoun, entitled “The Psychoanalytical Anthropology”, has been published in Spanish and French. Some of the notions addressed in that interview are more deeply developed in this writing, especially regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects at the clinical and collective levels.


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Author Biography

Assoun Paul-Laurent, Université de Paris

Pr. Paul-Laurent Assoun: Profesor emérito de la Université de Paris (ex Univer-sité Denis Diderot, Paris 7). Analista prac-ticante, miembro de la asociación Espace Analytique. Autor de una gran cantidad de artículos y de varias obras de psicoanálisis.



How to Cite

Paul-Laurent, A. (2021). The Catastrophe put to the test by psychoanalysis:: subject and collective prejudice. PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, 5(5), 15–37.



Dossier En torno a la pandemia