The Unexpected and the Improvisation

An essay on Pandemic, possibilities and political invention pass


  • Ezequiel Gatto ISHIR/CONICET



pandemic, Invention, Improvisation , Uncertainty, Imagination of the Future


The article explores some possibilities of the pandemic situation based on the hypothesis that the uncertainty that it carries with it implies not being able to take stable images of the future. That instability, although many times it has inflected towards panic and paralysis, can also be source of social invention. Under that intention, the text reviews some current operations on the unforeseen, which involve States, capitalist com-panies, social organizations, detecting various ways of linking with it.Among them, improvisation, which appears as a willingness to rearticulate knowledge, resources and projects in contexts of uncertainty. The article seeks to reflect on a use of improvisation that is not merely instrumental (such as that of capitalist valorization) but that is capable of feeding a politics of invention, understood as a fundamental feature for a politics of equality and justice.


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Author Biography

Ezequiel Gatto, ISHIR/CONICET

Investigador Asistente (ishir/conicet), Profesor de Teoría Sociológica (carrera de Historia, Universidad Nacional de Rosario), traductor y coordinador de talleres. Dr. en Ciencias Sociales (uba). Integra el colectivo editorial Tinta Limón. Colabora y articula con diversos proyectos políticos y culturales. Recientemente publicó el libro “Futuridades. Ensayos sobre política posutópica” (Editorial Casagrande, Rosario, 2018).


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How to Cite

Gatto, E. (2021). The Unexpected and the Improvisation: An essay on Pandemic, possibilities and political invention pass. PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, 5(5), 51–60.



Dossier En torno a la pandemia