The Subject and The Time
Tyrants Children
Tyrants Children , Subjective Constitution , Body, Time , SymptomsAbstract
Contemporary Symptoms is an interesting way to locate how the particula-rity of the time delimits a position in the clinic, which is not without the analyst’s ethics in the face of the various ways of presenting something that ails.The route of this work focuses on the current symptoms typical of childhood, cutting the gaze on the child called «Tyrant», with the intention of opening questions and possible ways of approach. The theme leads to an investigation on the subjective constitution introducing questions about a jouissance characterized as narcissistic, from where the subjects respond with the body rather than with their symbolic universe. The ways in which it can manifest itself oscillate between abulia and hyperactivity, in which the body is put into play, even leading to agitation or great instinctual excitement.Delimiting an area where the child, or children, are located and even named with excessi-ve names, is of interest as an opportunity to make room for new symptoms in the analyti-cal device, and to provide possible guidelines in the direction of the cure.
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