Play in the pandemic

Reflections in the clinic with children


  • Elizabeth Jorge Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



game, clinic, children, analyst, pandemic


The clinic with children is characterized by the consideration of play not only as a technique, but as the main activity that allows development in childhood. That is why the analyst’s role acquires characteristics that distinguish it by its way of working. In the current time of pandemic, it is necessary to consider what expressions children make about the uncertainty and anguish generated. Two selected vignettes from online clinical work are presented in the first week of April this year. The context in which they occurred corresponds to the province of Córdoba, where they adhered to the measures taken by the National Government of social, preventive and compulsory isolation. In this way, since mid-March, the children were confined to their homes, unable to move, attend schools and visit family and friends. To this was added that the measures were renewed fortnightly, which raised doubts about the real extent of the isolation. Based on analytical listening and shared games through the screens, the reflections are presented from two fragments of sessions with patients.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Jorge , Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Licenciada y Profesora en Psicología (UNC). Especialista en Psicología Clínica (UNC y CPPC). Especialista en Constructivismo y Educación (FLACSO). Especialista en Docencia Universitaria (UTN). Magister en Salud Mental (UNC). MP 5734 - ME 572


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How to Cite

Jorge , E. (2021). Play in the pandemic : Reflections in the clinic with children. PSICOANÁLISIS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD, 5(5), 39–49.



Dossier En torno a la pandemia